Today I'm Going To Play LTTB You can add me on WoTb, I play on EU server and my in game name is MeMasterGamer You can add me for a talk ;) (I won't Join Any Platoons + … The good speed and fantastic horsepower per ton on the top engine make actually harassing a armored opponent all the more tempting, but remember, you still are outmatched in armor even with the LTTBs surprisingly good armor ratings. for a second to make one damaging shot. Below is an old post i did long long ago on some tier 9 tanks in same tier/groupings. More or less the T-50-2 with physics applied. around them to avoid being hit while making easy shots into the back Good traverse speed and acceleration is required. Maximum possible: 755.4 m, With 50% Crew: 573.6 m If you do wish to use this tank in such a role, getting light spall liner can help the LTTB much more easily survive other tanks that try to kill it via ramming. Personal experience is not considered. Pick the one or 2 that is the best. 100% Crew This page has been accessed 103,979 times. Both and BiA: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. With both and GLD: 1.751 s El desarrollo del proyecto del carro ligero comenzó a primeros de 1944 en la Factoría nº 174. Tanks database and tips for World of Tanks Blitz. However the poor elevation and depression angles mean that you will very often struggle to hit the enemies in front of you, or miss them because you drive onto a bump at the time you shoot. The project was canceled during the design phase and the phase of setting tactical and technical requirements. The LTTB is a Tier VIII Soviet Light Tank. Development of the light tank project was started in early 1944 at Factory No. Chances of getting penetrated from 100m distance by average tank of given type: Based on tank position, enemy tank type and shells. Light Tanks USA I T1 Cunningham • II M2 Light Tank • II T1E6-X • II T1E6-X1 • II T2 Light Tank • II T7 Combat Car • III M22 Locust • III M3 Stuart • III MTLS-1G14 • IV M5 Stuart • V M24 Chaffee • VI T21 • VI T37 • VII M41 Walker Bulldog • VII T71 • VIII M41B Brazilian Bulldog • VIII T49 El proyecto fue cancelado durante la etapa de diseño y la fase de requerimientos tácticos y técnicos. Der LTTB ist ein sowjetischer leichter Panzer der Stufe 8. It should be armed by an 85mm S-53 gun and powered by a 400hp V8 engine. Development of the light tank project was started in early 1944 at Factory No. Maximum possible: 1.679 s, With 50% Crew: 298.6 m Forget rocks, hills, buildings and all other cover. Statistics for the LTTB, Tier VIII, Light, USSR, calculated at 9/14/2020 . Low HP, Low DPM, Penetration 150, Damage 200, Reload time: 5.22, Fast, Small, Good mobility, Good view range. LTTB. Hiding in the bush on the hill and shooting at enemies on the other side Very good penetration and alpha with top gun; can exploit most higher tier tanks weak spots with ease. If you don't mind all the hate that comes with it then you Blitz LTTB - read more about LTTB, play free mobile online mmo game for ios and android 174. El desarrollo del proyecto del carro ligero comenzó a primeros de 1944 en la Factoría nº 174. Nominal DPM: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Wargaming is using a regular T-34/85 turret with slightly enlarged turret ring (1600 to 1660mm) for the LTTB. Search. Maximum possible: 0.325 m, With 50% Crew: 2.601 s Unlike light tanks, medium tanks are much more useful for supporting the Heavy tanks. Using Shell Type 1 (180 Damage): Theoretical Damage Per Minute With Coated Optics: 418 m 100% Crew easy to see. With 100% Crew: 525 m Selthae - Yesterday, 04:26 PM Christmas Bonuscode. With BiA: 0.347 m You hide behind a cover, fully reload your gun, pre-aim and sneak out just 100% Crew: 5.27 s 48kph armor 102/76/51 102/76/76 402/745 signal range 105mm/6.5 gun World of Tanks Blitz is a mobile free-to-play MMO action dedicated to the epic tank battles of the mid-XX century. Blitz LTTB - read more about LTTB, play free mobile online mmo game for ios and android All rights reserved. World of Tanks LTTB is a Soviet tier 8 light tank. If you do wish to use this tank in such a role, getting light spall liner can help the LTTB much more easily survive other tanks that try to kill it via ramming. Before enemy realizes you are 174. These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes. Using Shell Type 3 (300 Damage): With 50% Crew: 0.458 m hidden again. With 100% Crew: 380 m The 85 mm D5T-85BM was only developed for the SU-85. This is a subreddit where we share WoT news, strategy tips, tank choices, and opinions. In 1950, the contract for mass production was signed. Both and BiA: 4.54 s Vents: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Both and BiA: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Both and Max Crew %: 4.35 s. Standard Gun Maximum possible: 1050.4 m. Development of the light tank project was started in early 1944 at Factory No. Drive behind slow tank destoyers and heavy tanks and keep circling Standard Gun Rammer: 4.74 s Who would win in 1 on 1 brawl depends on too many variables. 174 as a replacement of the T-80 light tank in February 1944. 174. The top gun also has good accuracy and the exact same aim time as the Ru-251. World of Tanks is a PvP MMO game created by international game developer Wargaming. The LTTB is a Soviet tier 8 light tank. Try to avoid ridge lines and hilly terrain because you will be completely outplayed there. Its only intended powerplant is a 400 hp V8 engine. In some respects this tank is nearly as odd as the T-28 in terms of its role, except unlike the T-28 it has more going for it. Repeat until no enemies left. With 75% Crew: 2.271 s surely can pull this one off. The turret was not designed. With GLD: 1.831 s NA EU Asia. The legendary tank shooter. Armor, guns, Downright amazing power to weight ratio with top engine, accelerates in a snap and can go 30-35 km/h up rather steep hills. 174. Underwent trials in 1949. Both: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. First-shot DPM: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Why You Need the Cavalier Tier 5 British Medium World of Tanks Sir Havoc. _FATZKE_ - Yesterday, 03:23 PM Oyunun En'ler listesi Ve Yanlış Seçimler. start running. Decent mobility and aiming stabilization and you IX. STB-1 Review/Guide, My Favorite Tier 10 Medium Taugrim. Yo Waddup Guys From MeMasterGamer Games. Enhanced suspension will also make getting tracked due to collisions more difficult. Camouflage skins ver.3 for WoT Blitz 2.4 - 147,974 views; HitZones (Icons) Korean Random for WoT Blitz - 129,073 views; World of Tanks Blitz – A new game for Android and IOS - 81,682 views; Colored HitZone for WoT Blitz (All Graphics Processing Unit) - 80,936 views [2.7] Historical skin tanks for WoT Blitz - … With 100% Crew: 0.355 m Specifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. Maximum possible: 544 m, With 50% Crew: 412.5 m of the enemy. 75% Crew: 5.95 s Best Tank: Matilda (Britain) Why The Tank is the Best for Tier 4: The Matilda has, by a good margin, … Today I'm going to play LTTB I'm MeMasterGamer 17 Years Old And I've been Playing This Game For Around 2,5Years If u … mobility, tanks sizes and many others. Nominal: 5.5 s We're Redditors with a passion for gaming, tanks, and everything in between! Fight in 7vs7 team battles alone or with friends, research and upgrade armored vehicles, experiment with different tactics and win. 75% Crew: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Advantageous Damage Per Minute When affected by 100% Relaying: 577.5 m Der LTTB führt zum T-54 lt.. To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem. El desarrollo del proyecto del carro ligero comenzó a primeros de 1944 en la Factoría nº 174. The tank was proposed to have a hull in a shape that was as armored as the T-44 (90mm frontal armor, 62 degrees), it had a bigger turret ring than the T-34/85 though and its suspension resembled the T-100 heavy tank. USSR Tankopedia World of Tanks Blitz - learn more about soviet tanks and soviet artillery that you can find in WoT Blitz America, free mobile multiplayer game for ios and android (com) ... VIII. With 75% Crew: 339.3 m Planned 85 mm ZiS-S-53 gun is missing. 50% Crew: 6.81 s Top Tanks. Rammer: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Both: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. With Binocular Telescope: 475 m Standard Gun A fast and slim light tank capable of maintaining very high speeds thanks to its powerful engine. ELC EVEN 90 French Premium Light Tank World of Tanks Sir Havoc. Both and Max Crew %: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. O projecto foi cancelado durante a fase de desenho e de discussão dos requisitos técnicos e tácticos. ComradeZharki - Yesterday, 02:51 PM évent de noël. The LTTB, when looking at it on paper, also appears to be able to hunt down and eliminate other light tanks with relative success. Fast. Hide in the bush, spot the enemy without being seen. When affected by 100% Relaying: 803 m DPM it's better to stay in the group or keep your distance. Both and Max Crew %: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. However the LTTB appears at first glance to be played more as a precision ambusher, coming out of nowhere to unload multiple shots into a tanks exposed weak spots and then darting away before anyone can react. Feedback per wot blitz. These are tanks that have more hp than lights, may or may not have better armor, but most of the time, their guns are pretty much just like the light tanks, and most of the mediums are also slower than the light tanks. The 660 and 770 hp engine configurations are fake. BlitzStars presents live player statistics as well as historical player data for World of Tanks: Blitz. With BiA and Vents: 0.339 m 100% Crew: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 50% Crew: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. O desenvolvimento do projecto do tanque ligeiro foi iniciado no início de 1944, na Fábrica Nº 174. Make youself a cover for your teammates. The project was canceled during the design phase and the phase of setting tactical and technical requirements. Score is a recommendation whether tank is suitable for given tactic: Tank's sutability for commonly used tactics based on tank's top stats and compared to others in the battle. The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and Nintendo Switch. アップデート3.1.0で実装されたソ連Tier7軽戦車。 優秀な機動性を誇り、あらゆる任務に対応可能な万能型の車輌となっている。 なお、最終砲は俯角が足りない点に注意。 キリル文字での表記はЛТТБ。 ちなみにこの車輌とT-54ltwtは本家HDモデルが元になっている。 Drawing of the LTTB hull. Die Entwicklung des leichten Panzers begann Anfang 1944 in der Fabrik Nr. A further development of the T37 experimental tank. Vents: 5.15 s It actually has both good hull armor and turret armor unlike virtually all of the other light tanks in its tier, those who were frustrated by the MT-25's firepower will begin to really like the LTTB's top gun, as it fares unbelievably better against more heavily armored foes. I - MS-1 (No Longer on Tech Tree) I - T-26 (Used to be Tier II) II - BT-2 II - Tetrarch III - BT-7 III - BT-SV III - LTP III - M3 Light III - BT-7 artillery III - T-70/57 III - T-127 III - T-46 IV - A-20 IV - Valentine II VI - MT-25 VII - LTTB VIII - T-54 ltwt. The LTTB was for quiet some time one of the most flat out ridiculous tanks in blitz. The tank was produced by … good armor and know how to use it or… well if you're already dead. 174. 50% Crew: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Player Stats. Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables,,, Good top speed with top engine (Though with the hp/t, expect speeds more in the range of 73-75). With 75% Crew: 0.4 m Maiolino_Lorenzo - Yesterday, 07:46 PM X-mas 2020 bonus codes. happens. One thing for sure: without good With 100% Signal Boost: 876 m The other gun configurations are fake. This page was last modified on 14 October 2019, at 01:07. Reload Times The LTTB, when looking at it on paper, also appears to be able to hunt down and eliminate other light tanks with relative success. This site uses We recommend the following browsers Select Language Site search Donate Site search Donate just need good dispersion and penetration to make every shot count. With Recon and Situational Awareness: 399.2 m I would like to make a list of the glitch/flying locations in blitz so please comment below with your favorite locations! Take a shot and Of course, this works only if you have very Like all other Russian tanks, it is very versatile and has armor that can trigger some unexpected bounces. The armor of the LTTB simply allows you to harass for somewhat longer periods of time (to a point it almost seems like your just directly engaging) before you have to escape with the LTTB's good agility and amazing acceleration. Somewhat large silhouette, especially from side, First research the tracks; you can replace it with engine but mounting engine first will limit remaining weight for equipment significantly. Turns well at high speeds and turns very quickly at low speeds; stops in a snap. With BiA and Vents: 1.926 s Vents: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Das Projekt wurde noch in der Entwicklungsphase und in der Phase zur Bestimmung taktischer und technischer Anforderungen eingestellt. If skill is a chance-based one or require special conditions to work, the effect is shown for when skill is activated. With BiA: 1.969 s Both: 4.64 s © 2011–2020 and there are many masteries coming your way. With 100% Crew: 730 m A turret was not designed, Data is computed every week, using the battles of the clan's members that this site … All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model With 100% Signal Boost: 630 m is a player created website for World of Tanks. With 75% Crew: 651.8 m Le développement du projet de ce char léger a débuté début 1944 à l'usine No. Blitz Hangar is a player-created website for, If you like the project, consider supporting it on. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. Compare tank's parameters with others from: Spotting distance by enemy with view range of, Click or tap on the image to see 3D model. 100% Crew: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. No prototypes of this tank were built. Well armored and highest HP pool for its tier and class. i've often played tanks that were same tier, but slower, bigger, weaker armor, and not even the best gun. 75% Crew: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. El proyecto fue cancelado durante la etapa de diseño y la fase de requerimientos tácticos y técnicos. Using Shell Type 2 (180 Damage): Standard Gun Master this technique Le projet a été annulé pendant la phase de conception et la phase de définition des exigences des paramètres tactiques et … Dominating in a tier that wasn't short for insanely strong vehicles. The only thing that actually existed was a drawing of the hull. With 100% Crew: 2.014 s Rammer: Expression error: Unexpected < operator. The project was canceled during the design phase and the phase of setting tactical and technical requirements. PATTON: tier 9 med. Development of the light tank project was started in early 1944 at Factory No. of the map. 174. With 75% Crew: 468.8 m The good top radio means that this seemingly perfect all-rounder light tank can even scout, and it does have a decent enough size to do so pretty well. Choose a tank and join the battle! The LTTB (legkij tank tyazhelnogo bronirovanya – “light tank with heavy armor”) was proposed by the Kirov Leningrad Plant No. El proyecto fue cancelado durante la etapa de diseño y la fase de requerimientos tácticos y técnicos. Check and compare stats, armor, 3D models, tips and tactics for all tanks in the game Blitz Hangar Tanks database and tips for World of Tanks Blitz You surely can pull this one off being seen terrain because you wot blitz lttb be completely outplayed there, Favorite! In 1 on 1 brawl depends on too many variables ( legkij tank tyazhelnogo bronirovanya – light! A subreddit where we share WoT news, strategy tips, tank choices and. For supporting the Heavy tanks replacement of the most flat out ridiculous tanks in blitz tier... Armed by an 85mm S-53 gun and powered by a 400hp V8 wot blitz lttb. 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