Once reviewed, the Technical Part can be unlocked ("Unlock to draft") for further editing or accepted and included ("Accept & Include") in the Periodic Report (you might have to refresh the page to see the buttons appear). projects, beneficiaries do not need to upload the 'Summary of the Use of Resources for a single partner" anymore in order to lock for review their Financial Part. The ERO Portal allows new users to register for an account and perform the following functions upon completion: Self Service Account. The new, corporate Funding and Tenders Portal replaces the Participant Portal with all its functions. background-color: none; School districts and county offices of education has trusted ERC for over 15 years to complete their reporting for ASES and 21st Century CCLC grants United States (English) In the right-hand side of your screen, in the process list, you will find the Periodic Reporting process. Please click on the Financial Statement pdf to consult the data you have submitted to the coordinator. Magyar. The coordinator can: To approve or reject an element of the Periodic Report, click on the task Periodic Report composition. function topFunction() { mybutton.style.display = "block"; When two participants are working on the same data, the data of the beneficiary saving first, will be saved, whilst the other participant receives a notification that the data have been changed and that his data are lost. Access to Datastores and Applications . The web portal of a Reporting Services report server is a web-based experience. Click the "Lock for Review" button, which will prevent further editing and generate a pdf document. In the right-upper corner of the process box, a link to the Periodic Reporting will lead you to an overview of the final periodic report consisting of the Technical Part, Financial Part and the Scientific Part. function scrollFunction() { Welcome to the Republic of the Marshall Islands ('Marshall Islands') Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) Reporting Portal. The Financial Parts and the Technical and Scientific Part of the Periodic Report are submitted to the EU in one single submission. The mid-term report is a form of scientific interim progress report that shall allow the Scientific Officers to monitor the project and its achievements, but also possible difficulties encountered, and if need be, to ensure a closer follow up from our end. dansk. Only users with the role Project Financial Signatory (PFSIGN) can perform this action. Register for an ERC account here. English. bbb. One way to process Employee Payroll is by manually creating a new record within the Employer Report Summary. At the end of the final reporting period, each beneficiary will receive a notification to complete: Their contribution to the Scientific Part (this is common for all beneficiaries in the project). The . The financial and scientific reporting are decoupled in the case of ERC grants. Choose language . Download Press release Download the press release from 15 October 2015. Choose the Payroll Frequency from the dropdown menu. Certification The ERC certificate is a guarantee that a holder completed one of our courses. Your scientific report consists of two parts: Part A of your scientific report is automatically generated by the Continuous Reporting functionality that is activated at the time your project stats. Full Proposal Deadline(s) (due by 5 p.m. submitter's local time): February 16, 2021. Some features of our reporting web site may not work correctly. ERC focuses on tech solutions and innovation to generate more positive customer experiences. Español. Normally, the financial reporting period is 18 months, whereas scientific reports are due halfway through and at the end of the project. ERC seminar attendees; special visitors to the center (e.g., high school students) ERC personnel who conducted research at a member company; the individuals who presented a talk and/or poster at your ERC meetings; industrial representatives who work with ERC core faculty; ERC individuals who are … Normally, the financial reporting period is 18 months, whereas scientific reports are due halfway through and Who is ERC? The Portal will be replaced by a new platform developed by EASA which will take over the functions of this Portal in the coming months. Extraordinary. 2 Participant Portal: the "My Projects" tab +1 646 781 4213 erc.support@undp.org +1 646 781 4200 Fax. document.onscroll = function() {scrollFunction()}; /*function disableWatchers() { NRP - NIFA Reporting Portal (LMD, REEport, POW) The NIFA Reporting Portal provides access to the NIFA applications supporting post-award reporting. Click on the task "Scientific Part contribution" to complete the requested information. For the keywords, please use only those that are meaningful for your project. +1 646 781 4213 erc.support@undp.org Complete the requested information and save. Forms Portal Worldwide ERC®'s Forms Portal is a simple, low-cost solution for completing standardized relocation forms electronically using Adobe® technology. Click the Submit to EU button to submit the periodic report to the EU. part is that all beneficiaries contribute to this. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; top: 0, Then click the pdf again to open the Financial Statement. can open the pdf to see the data, but that they can't unlock the data, nor accept & include the report. íslenska. Register for a free ERC account here and get access to the webshop, learning environment and membership portal. Once reviewed,the Financial Part can be unlocked ("Unlock to draft") for further editing or electronically signed & submitted ("Sign and Submit") to the coordinator. The ERC reporting requirements foresee two different reporting streams to cover the financial aspects on the one hand, and the scientific aspects of the grant on the other hand, as described in Article 20 of the ERC Model Grant Agreement. Step 4: The EU reviews the submitted Periodic Report and accepts, requests additional information or rejects it. The EU can also ask for a revision of the Report, this means that the process described above starts again. Login to Your Study. Click the "Lock for Review" button, which will prevent further editing and generate a pdf document (This might take a few minutes.). Find out about the new portal for parents. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} To find your study, select the service line below to login to your study data website. Forms Portal Worldwide ERC®'s Forms Portal is a simple, low-cost solution for completing standardized relocation forms electronically using Adobe® technology. Magyar. We may use them e.g. Español. Forgot your password? Click on the task "Financial Part" and complete the costs. Register for a free ERC account here and get access to the webshop, learning environment and membership portal. The general concepts of the Grant Management Services system also apply to the ERC final reporting process. Only users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact can perform this action. } Quick access. Membership of the National Hepatitis C Testing Policy Expert Reference Committee (ERC) 2020 The Expert Reference Committee (ERC) meets from time to time to review the National Hepatitis C Testing Policy and to consider what action might be necessary to improve quality, uptake and regulation of HCV testing in Australia. } After the submission of the Periodic Report, the Financial Parts Summary Excel document will include the data of all the Financial Parts that have been submitted in the Periodic Report. The ERC course rules offer clear definitions for all our courses, certificates, faculty hierarchy, training evolution, specific course rules and other aspects. Find out about the new portal for parents. #main #content { The report is web-based and the information will be submitted after filling-in the respective fields on the Funding and Tenders Portal. The Participant Contact usually performs this action (also, users with the roles Project Financial Signatories, Coordinator Contacts, Primary Coordinator Contacts and Task Managers can perform this action). For the H2020 actions that use the standard Use of Resources, it is possible to export the Use of Resources Summary to PDF: the generation of a PDF containing the Use of Resources Summary for a single partner is available in the partner's Financial Part screen. Esquerra Republicana, founded in 1931, is the oldest political organization in Catalonia still active and its main objective is the achievement of a fairer and more solidarity society, without inequalities between people and territories and considers that the road To do this is to achieve the independence of Catalonia. Forums home; Browse forums users; FAQ; Search related threads Then close the current screen and return to the Funding & Tenders Portal. behavior: 'smooth' Over the past 20 years we have created a system that has resulted in unparalleled engagement on environmental issues worldwide. gtag('config', 'UA-137982616-2'); The principle of the scientific part is that all beneficiaries contribute to this scientific part. top: 0, The final payment is performed, which completes this reporting process. As an ERC grant holder, you must submit to the European Research Council Executive Agency, ERCEA, the scientific and financial reports set out in Article 20 of your Grant Agreement. if (document.body.scrollTop > 150 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 150) { mybutton.style.display = "none"; In this respect, please do not worry too much, they will certainly get back to you with additional questions/comments if they believe something is missing or not clear enough in your report. to consult the data you have submitted to the coordinator. The general concepts of the Grant Management Services system also apply to the ERC final reporting process. opens in a new window Twitter. top: 0px; Il sistema di reporting fa parte dei sistemi di programmazione e controllo essendo il “cuore” di tali sistemi. ERC website In Reporting Services Reporting Services, URLs are used to access the Report Server Web service and the portal web web portal. document.body.scroll({ E-Forms, Generation, Distribution, Supply, Consumer. The same applies in respect of project outputs (publications, conferences, documentaries etc). The phase out of the ECCAIRS Community Portal has started and operation of this website will cease on 01/01/2021. Reporting duties in ERC grants How to prepare and submit FINANCIAL REPORTS online with the 'Single Submission' functionality Last update: August 2014 . register here. When two participants are working on the same data, the data of the beneficiary saving first, will be saved, whilst the other participant receives a notification that the data have been changed and that his data are lost. Si esto le ocurre, es recomendable contactar con TIC Portal llamando al: (+34) 954 040 045 - preguntando por Esther Galán. Review the Financial Part and sign & submit it to the coordinator. 1 UN Plaza DC1-20th Floor New York, NY 10017 Tel. The EU can request additional information in order to accept the Periodic Report. The button will be disabled if there are validation errors (in order to be able to submit to the EU at least one Financial Part plus the Technical and Scientific Part of the Periodic Report must be provided). Apply Now. /// appears after 150px scroll left: 0, The Portal allows access to the Leadership Management Dashboard (LMD), Plan of Work (POW) and Research, Extension, and Education Project Online Reporting Tool (REEport) applications. For standard H2020 actions, the Financial Parts Summary document can now be exported to Excel by Coordinators. The European Research Council (ERC) funding schemes are open to top researchers of any nationality or age who wish to carry out their frontier research in 42 countries. čeština. To find your study, select the service line below to login to your study data website. Register for an ERC account here. In accordance with the Marshall Islands Economic Substance Regulations, 2018, all non-resident domestic entities (NRDEs) and foreign maritime entities (FMEs) must complete an annual report on economic substance. However, different reporting periods for scientific and financial reports are foreseen. periodic financial report. Host Institutions or Principal Investigators may address their questions to the following enquiry Availability of ERC Office During Holidays 18/12/2020 COVID-19 Webinar: Pathway to Resuming ERC Courses 06/06/2020 Resuscitation and Pandemic Panel 29/05/2020 Impact of COVID-19 on ERC Guidelines 30/03/2020 What to know before you start drafting your scientific report. Only users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact perform this action. ERIC opens the Employer Report Lookup screen. To fill in the information the beneficiary must log on to the Funding & Tenders Portal and access the relevant project. Deutsch. ERC, Incorporated started in her basement with the same values she held in all aspects of her life: • Do your best to excel. Esquerra Republicana, fundada el 1931, és l’organització política de Catalunya més antiga encara en actiu i té com a objectiu principal l’assoliment d’una societat més justa i solidària, sense desigualtats entre les persones i els territoris i considera que la via per fer-ho és aconseguir la independència de Catalunya. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. S/he should read the request letter and upload the document containing the requested information. Once the elements of the Periodic Report are approved, the Periodic Report can be submitted to the EU. I sistemi di reporting intra-aziendali rivestono una importanza strategica nel mantenere il sistema organizzativo in piena efficienza e permettere la diffusione delle informazioni ai vari livelli interessati. Open your ERC project in the Participant Portal │ 3 2) Open your ERC project from the "My Project(s)" menu, and click on the "MP" (manage project) button. after the submission of the Periodic Report, it will include the Use of Resources data for all the Financial Parts that have been submitted in the Periodic Report. For a detailed description of the roles mentioned in this process, see the Roles and access rights in the H2020 Online Manual. Connecting to SESAM for FP6 reporting: How to login in FP6 SESAM using the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) 21/03/2012: How to access and use Force (FormC) For "non Marie Curie Actions" projects only ! In your report we ask you to flag the difficulties encountered, including the absences for medical reasons (or other) of team members and indicate what mitigating measures have been taken, if any. how to complete your technical part of the periodic report. Click on the Include /Redo button to approve or reject an element (Financial Part and/or Technical and Scientific Part of the Periodic Report). Review the Scientific Part and accept and include it for submission to the EU. $('#notifyWatchers').attr( "mz", 1); Choose language . margin: 20px 197px -12px 130px; Click here to find more information on how to complete your technical part of the periodic report or click here to find more information on Completing the Technical Report (Part B)/Report Core. 2. the generation of a PDF containing the Use of Resources Summary for the whole consortium is available from the "Financial Parts" screen that can be reached by clicking on the title of the 'Periodic Reporting' section in GMS. ERC is a debt collection agency. AT Everyone Belongs. Part of the Periodic Report are submitted to the EU, at least one financial Part and the technical and, nly users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact, The button will be disabled if there are validation errors (in order to be able to submit to the EU at least one Financial Part, The EU can accept the report and start preparing the final. Click here to find a supported browser version. document.documentElement.scroll({ Once you have clicked the Submit to EU button, the system will ask you to confirm that you are aware that certain Parts haven't been included and that therefore their costs will not be considered for the final payment. Part B is the narrative part of your scientific report that includes: Depending on the scientific discipline and type of research, some sections of the ERC scientific report may not apply to your project. ... are planned for parentsportal.scot such as absence reporting and links to parents night booking systems. Click here to find more information on how to complete your financial Part. All questions related to your scientific report for which no answer can be found here can be addressed to the ERC Scientific Follow-up mailbox. View Mailing Lists & Resources. Click the, Once reviewed,the Financial Part can be unlocked (", Once you have confirmed, the system will ask you to complete your, Please click on the Financial Statement pdf. aaa. The Coordinator will be notified via the Participant Notification System. Al continuar utilizando el sitio web, usted autoriza el uso de cookies. position: relative; The upload is still available but it's optional. Check the ERC website for more information. Sergi Sabrià. Empowered. EIC Wizard to find H2020 funding for cutting-edge innovation. Change Password, Update Security Questions . Click the "Lock for Review" button, which will prevent further editing and generate a pdf document (This might take a few minutes: keep refreshing the page). Click on the task "Technical Part contribution" to complete the requested information. Process description and steps. ERC® is an international business process BPO (BPO) and full service, end-to-end provider for every aspect of the customer lifecycle, including debt collection. R epublic of the P hilippines ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION. - A guide to access and use OnLine FormC forms: 21/03/2012 If you experience a problem with a tobacco product, such as an unexpected health or safety issue, report it online using the Safety Reporting Portal. This is an attempt to collect a debt by a debt collector, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Guide for ERC Grant Holders [Final version July 2012] Disclaimer: ... ¾ Reporting and payments ... made available together on the ERC website, and the Participant Portal. button. You should also know that it happens quite often that Scientific Officers are sending the first report back to you requesting additional information. Lo schema di finanziamento ERC Starting mira a sostenere i ricercatori emergenti che desiderano costituire un gruppo di ricerca e iniziare a svolgere attività autonoma di ricerca in Europa.Questo schema di finanziamento riguarda ricercatori promettenti in qualsiasi ambito di ricerca che hanno dimostrato di avere il potenziale per diventare leader indipendenti. Change Password, Update Security Questions . 20.3 of the ERC MGA) all together in a single submission. français. nly users with the role Coordinator Contact and Primary Coordinator Contact can perform this action. ... European Research Council (ERC) The MCSA and ERC grants are not restricted to specific topics. } 80 Bed – Project Web Portal 80 Bed Site Project Manager 2020-11-14T17:35:13+01:00 This means that for Scientific Officers the mid-term scientific report is the main moment of interaction with a running ERC funded project. in order to accept the Periodic Report. Periodic reporting for ERC-projects Contents ... portal. Purchase them as a set or individually and earn GMS and CRP continuing education credits. Request Access. How are we helping? Review the Technical Part and accept and include it for submission to the EU. If you don’t know the service line to select, please refer to your Study Manual. 2. .acs-side-bar-content ia-scrollable-section, .ia-splitter {width: 100% !important; left:0 !important;} In accordance with the Marshall Islands Economic Substance Regulations, 2018, all non-resident domestic entities (NRDEs) and foreign maritime entities (FMEs) must complete an annual report on economic substance. NEW . opens in a new window Facebook-f. bbb. Confirm that you would like to lock for review. } else { For projects managed by DG MOVE and DG ENER, the reports are not yet submitted via the IT reporting tools under the Participant Portal. Manage Your Account. button to approve or reject an element (Financial Part and/or Technical and Scientific Part of the Periodic Report). Download the Full E-book version in epub of the 2015 ERC guidelines. Click the Validation button to see whether you have filled in all information correctly, then close the current screen and return to the the Funding & Tenders Portal. disableWatchers();*/, For a detailed description of the roles mentioned in this process, see the, Roles and access rights in the H2020 Online Manual, (this is common for all beneficiaries in the project), To fill in the information the beneficiary must, In the right-upper corner of the process box, a link to the Periodic Reporting will lead you to an overview of the final periodic report consisting of the, Complete the requested information and save. setTimeout(function() {$('#notifyWatchers').removeAttr('checked');}, 1000); It needs to be done in the relevant section on Continuous Reporting, and if they are delayed, please indicate in the narrative section what the new schedule is. Step 1: All beneficiaries receive a notification and log on to the Funding & Tenders Portal. left: 0, français. Esta página web utiliza cookies. Availability of ERC Office During Holidays 18/12/2020 COVID-19 Webinar: Pathway to Resuming ERC Courses 06/06/2020 Resuscitation and Pandemic Panel 29/05/2020 Impact of COVID-19 on ERC Guidelines 30/03/2020 Deutsch. English. Vicesecretari general de Comunicació i Estratègia i president del grup parlamentari Resources for IT Professionals Sign in. A world class and independent electric power industry regulator that equitably promotes and protects the interests of consumers and other stakeholders, to enable the delivery of long-term benefits that contribute to sustained economic growth and an improved quality of life. dansk. čeština. Note that also users with the roles Financial Signatories, Legal Signatories, Task Managers and Team Members can open the pdf to see the data, but that they can't unlock the data, nor accept & include the report. Read more. ... are planned for parentsportal.scot such as absence reporting and links to parents night booking systems. .ia-splitter .ia-splitter-left {display:none !important;} The Funding and Tenders Portal is the single entry point (the Single Electronic Data Interchange Area) for applicants, contractors and experts in funding programmes and procurements managed by … position: relative !important; The Learning Portal makes purchasing and listening to recorded conference sessions from Worldwide ERC®’s America’s Mobility Conferences and Global Workforce Symposiums easier than ever. 3. } var mybutton = document.getElementById("backToTopButton"); En Reporting Services Reporting Services, las direcciones URL se usan para obtener acceso al servicio web del servidor de informes y al portal web web portal. They guide our operations. Welcome to the Republic of the Marshall Islands ('Marshall Islands') Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) Reporting Portal. You will also receive an email as a reminder from participant portal when a reporting period has ended. Your Business Performance Live statistics. Make sure the information there is up-to-date before the scientific report is “locked for review”. Sign In. register here. Get in touch. You will need to complete the ERC scientific report online in the Participant Portal. The ERO Portal allows new users to register for an account and perform the following functions upon completion: Self Service Account. For the projects managed by DG INFSO scientific-technical parts are within the NEF reporting facility that is also integrated in the Participant Portal. It is based on the information entered by the participants through the periodic and continuous reporting modules of the electronic exchange system in the Participant Portal. Completing the Technical Report (Part B)/Report Core. Find out about the new portal for parents. }); Click on the task "Financial Part" to review the financial Part. You are expected to address this kind of issues in your report and describe how you handled them (the report does not replace an amendment!). We are working on a solution. The process goes to the status Submitted and the process box turns blue (this means the process is in the hands of the EU now). Manual - Employer Payroll Reporting 72 Click on the Employer Report Summary link. The principle of the technical part is that all beneficiaries contribute to this technical part. Top The upload is still available but it's optional. ERC, Incorporated started in her basement with the same values she held in all aspects of her life: • Do your best to excel. • Treat others with respect and courtesy. float: left; for searches in our own database re specific disciplines, topics, methods. Your Financial Part has been electronically signed & submitted to the Coordinator. It is accessible via the task Periodic Report composition. Nederlands (België) Participant Portal: the "My Projects" tab setTimeout(disableWatchers, 1000); Email: erc-uk@ukro.ac.uk UK Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions National Contact Point Telephone: +32 2 230 03 18 Forgot Password? The Portal allows access to the Leadership Management Dashboard (LMD), Plan of Work (POW) and Research, Extension, and Education Project Online Reporting Tool (REEport) applications. opens in a new window Instagram. The EU can accept the report and start preparing the final payment. //Get the button • Treat others with respect and courtesy. ERC final reporting - European Commission It-How-To Manual ... Guide for Applicants for the Synergy Grant 2013 Call - ERC ... Portal Based Revenue Models by [email protected] ... Hadhramaut English Portal - Home Page. behavior: 'smooth' Click on the task "Scientific Part contribution" to complete the requested information. 1 UN Plaza DC1-20th Floor New York, NY 10017 Tel. ERC Starting Grants. To submit click on the button Submit to EU ( at least one financial Part and the technical and scientific part needs to be included for the Submit to EU button to become available). The Coordinator will be notified via the Participant Notification System. opens in a new window Linkedin-in. It will include, before the Periodic Report submission, the data of all the Financial Parts that have been 'Accepted by the Coordinator' (that is, included in the Periodic Report). íslenska. } The purpose of the portal is to provide easy access to relevant information about administrative entry requirements and procedures for operating a power plant based on renewable energy, the legal and regulatory framework for such investments (e.g., tariff regulation) and relevant market information. S/he should read the request letter and upload the document containing the requested information. Step 2: All beneficiaries complete their own Financial Part and their contribution to the Technical and Scientific Part of the Periodic Report. border-left: none; As an ERC grant holder, you must submit to the European Research Council Executive Agency, ERCEA, the scientific and financial reports set out in Article 20 of your Grant Agreement. reject a Financial Part back to a beneficiary for further editing (by clicking the, and/or he can unlock the Technical Part of the Periodic Report for further editing (by clicking the, and/or he can unlock the Scientific Part of the Periodic Report for further editing (by clicking the, To approve or reject an element of the Periodic Report, click on the task. if ( $('#notifyWatchers').attr( "mz" ) != 1) { Login to Your Study. The purpose of the portal is to provide easy access to relevant information about administrative entry requirements and procedures for operating a power plant based on renewable energy, the legal and regulatory framework for such investments (e.g., tariff regulation) and relevant market information. The validation button can give you an overview of errors which prevent you from saving. CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. } +1 646 781 4200 Fax. For a detailed description of the roles mentioned in this process, see the Roles and access rights in the H2020 Online Manual. consists: • Part A is generated by the IT system. Click the "Lock for Review" button, which will prevent further editing and generate a pdf document (This might take a few minutes: keep refreshing the page to see the pdf). En el portal, puede ver informes, informes móviles, KPI y navegar por los elementos de la instancia del servidor de informes. Click here to find more information on how to complete your scientific part of the periodic report. } Let us also know if an amendment has been requested in order to address changes during the project execution. Online Services Portal Pump Prices In accordance with legal notice no.196 of 2010, the Energy (Petroleum Pricing) Regulations and amendment thereof, the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority calculates the maximum retail pump prices of petroleum products which will … Download Videos Our lead authors give you a look into each chapter in the new guidelines. For searches in our own database re specific disciplines, topics,.! To your study Manual click on the task Periodic Report to the Participant Portal with your 'EU login ' credentials. 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