If you have any questions that the website does not answer, please feel free to contact the appropriate member of my staff listed in the contact us page. - Please have a Power of Attorney if service member is unavailable. - Reporting Endorsement Inbound Branch OIC | 451-0321. Mission: To provide responsive, specialized support in matters pertaining to legal, promotions, OMPF, and awards in order to update MCTFS personnel records immediately after a reportable event happens. I encourage you, if possible to stop by the IPAC with any required assistance. All Personnel reporting under PCS Orders after normal hours will report to the JRRRC, building 59, room 213 for further instruction. The Navy Pay & Personnel Hurricane Hotline is a toll free number to provide travel advance / claim information and assistance to those Sailors, government civilians, and their dependents who have been ordered to evacuate due to hurricane or natural disaster. Those administrative matters that cannot be performed through E-PARs, will continue to be performed during the above stated times. DSN phone number for Camp Lejeune Deployment Processing Command (DPC) 312-751-1023. Promotion, Training and Awards Section: 910-451-6208 - Amount of leave available. Address. The Separations and Retirement Branch (MMSR-6) may be able to assist individuals wishing to locate former or retired Marines. - Vacancy letter from the barracks, if applicable. Pre-Deployment Section: 910-451-6258 Spread the Facts not your Germs. MCB_IPAC.CCELL@USMC.MIL. - Divorce Decree. 24/7 SEXUAL ASSULT SUPPORT LINE. What can I do to expedite the separation process? For assistance in TAD pertaining to Individuals Augments or Unit Deployments contact the Unit Deployment Branch. Address: Commanding Officer II MEF Information Group. - Marines are available to address walk-in inquiries concerning pay issues. Separations Section . - Approved Terminal Leave Request from previous unit (if not listed in orders) Camp Lejeune SNCOA Contacts. Documents required for divorces: To request a new contact, email us with the full contact details. Documents required for adding Children Born Out of Wedlock: 910-750-5852 . subj/revised procedures for requesting an alternate separations ... required to gain approval of any separation site other than camp pendleton, ca or camp lejeune, nc. - Any pay discrepancies should first be addressed at the unit S-1. - Proof of financial support. We ask that when you arrive, you place your name and telephone number in the log book and wait in your vehicle, you will be called in the order that you arrive in. The off station PCA’s are as follows; MARSOC, Camp Geiger, Courthouse Bay, Cherry Point, and Camp Johnson. Director, IPAC | 451-6221. Overview of North Carolina Divorce and Separation and Legal Assistance Services. Monday through Friday 0700-1630; Entering Camp Lejeune and Base Amenities Pay Section All personnel arriving under PCA Orders (from off station) are required to check into their gaining command prior to reporting to the IPAC Inbound Branch, building 60 (1st deck) in the uniform of the day. Thursday: 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Leaders. Check-In. - 12 month Promotion Restriction page 11. Monday through Friday 0700-1630; New River DMO Ivy Hall on C St. Camp Lejeune, NC 28547 Phone: 1 (910) 451-2377. Also, the auditors will check entries from previous commands that failed to properly process in order to take necessary action. 4. - Transportation around Camp Lejeune is the responsibility of the Marine. - Prior DD214 for spouse's military service, if applicable. Temporary family lodging is sparse and as this is only a temporary stop, dependents are highly encouraged to fly from the overseas location directly to their final destination. Director, Installation Personnel Administration Center MCB Camp Lejeune, NC 28546. - Original order endorsement What to expect while separating: Allotments This listing represents the number of maximum allowable travel days based on the distance you are authorized to travel. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. - Family members traveling with Marines from overseas locations is not encouraged. Installation Personnel Administration Center (IPAC) Installation Personnel Administration Center (IPAC) is located at 6 McHugh Boulevard, Camp Lejeune, NC 28542. 877.476.7734. - STR Form (DD Form 2963) - Completed DD Form 2058 with appropriate source documentation as outlined on the form. Wounded Warrior Cell | 449 … - Allotments can be started, stopped, and changed on the MyPay website https://mypay.dfas.mil/. - BAH without dependents approval, if applicable. - Amount of PTAD if authorized/eligible with separation. Sitemap BUILDING 59/60. OIC 451-4221. 910-451-6901 or 910-451-6212. _____ 12. - Reporting endorsement The Customer Service Branch in Building 6 is open Monday through Friday from 0700-1730 and closed on weekends and federal holidays. Outbound Branch: OIC 450-9603. TAD/DTS Tier II Help Desk Section: 910-451-9949, Privacy Policy Mission: To conduct an interview with all Marines that PCS/PCA into the Camp Lejeune area which includes; all pay related entitlements, audit of personnel records, and travel claim. Never been to Lejeune. (Do not make lodging arrangements out in town without a valid non-availability statement from Camp Lejeune Billeting.) G-1 Customer Service : 800.255.5082 : G-1 Customer Service OIC: 504.697.8992: G-1 Customer Service SNCOIC : 504.697.8996: G-1 Adjutant: 504.697.7791: G-1 Manpower Report to the Installation Personnel Administration Center (IPAC), Orders Management Branch (OMB) on the date of departure at 1600 on weekdays and 0730 on weekends. This section facilitates proper MCTFS adjustments of promotion and award related matters and makes corrections to unit level mistakes in MOL and MCTIMS reporting including education and training. It’s not feasible to cover every possibility in this website as entitlements and policies are constantly changing. Orders Front Desk: 910-450-9389 II MIG OOD Duty Hut: (910) 451-8575 Wounded Warrior Battalion-East is located at Camp Lejeune, NC, where it operates a Warrior Hope and Care Center that offers campus-style access to a full complement of services, such as rehabilitation, counseling, and physical training. Camp Lejeune 24/7 910.376.5675 New River 24/7 910.376.2155. Deployment Branch OIC | 451-6240. Number : 451-4444 . - Signed Career Planner Interview - PCS Orders - Medical/Dental Records with Final Physical (DD Forms 2807, 2808, and 2967) New River DMO Hours. SNCOIC 450-9604. - Child’s Birth Certificate. The Installation Personnel Administration Center has returned to normal hours of operation, effective May 4, 2020. Hotline Fax: 1-866-239-0303 Hotline Email: EVACUATIONS.NAVY.MIL. Please view the links to the right to choose the section you may need help with. SNCOIC 451-2058. Pay Discrepancies - Receipts for expenses over $75. DStressLine.com. Mailing Address: Rank Last Name, First Name 2/10 (Battery/Section) PSC Box 20107 Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0107. The Mission of the MCB Camp Lejeune Installation Personnel Administration Center is to provide fast, friendly, and effective personnel administrative support and services to Commanders, Marines, and family members in order to ensure military personnel records and pay accounts are accurate and properly maintained in order to prepare the individual for worldwide deployment with the operating forces. The join process will consist of updating all personnel records and completing travel claim. All Personnel reporting under PCS Orders are required to report to their unit prior the IPAC Inbound Branch, building 60 prior to reporting in the uniform of the day (SOI students as stated on the JRRRC web site). Receiving Commuted Rations (COMRATS) Phone number: 703-784-3941 / 3942 / 3943. Sincerely, CEME School Descriptions. Outbound Branch OIC | 450-9603. I am EAS'ing out of Okinawa, and have to go through separations aboard Lejeune. MAILING ADDRESS Unit 35001 FPO AP 96373-5001 HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Wednesday & Friday 0730-1630 Legal Services Support Team - Camp Lejeune. The Retirement/Resignation Section processes all officer and enlisted retirements, officer resignations and transfers to the FMCR for enlisted Marines. Mission: To provide timely and accurate administrative processing, support, and guidance in all areas encompassing the deployment and redeployment of units or personnel aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in support of II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF) operational requirements. The Outbound Center is located in building 22162. Legal Section: 910-449-9950 For information about graduation from the School of Infantry, please visit Camp Pendleton's or Camp Lejeune's websites. c. TAD/DTS Tier II Help Desk. My staff will make every effort to ensure your requirements are handled professionally with all the courtesy you deserve as a valued member of the Marine Corps family. Home. - Prior to PCSing go into your Outbound Interview (OBI) in MOL and update your information. 1-400 miles = 1 day travel 1801-2150 = 6 days travel 401-750 = … - All commercial lodging receipts must have a zero out balance - IPAC Check-out sheet Protect yourself from the flu-- Get vaccinated, wash your hands, sneeze and cough into your elbow, and stay home if you're sick. Reserve Marines ordered to MCC “061” as their primary unit with the intent of deploying OCONUS with an active duty unit/RUC aboard Camp Lejeune unit will report to the Deployment Processing Command S-1 in building 313, 1st floor, on H Street. Know of a contact that should be included in this base directory? Units anticipating deployment are highly encouraged to contact the Unit Deployment Branch 90 days prior to deployment in order to make sure that they understand the policies, procedures, and best practices to ensure that their deployment goes smoothly as well as to open clear lines of communication between the supported units and those that support them. More Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS. Hours of Operation: Personnel executing PCA orders between two units aboard Camp Lejeune will report to the Outbound Branch, building 60 (2nd deck). PSC BOX 20085 Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 . Requests over 60 days of leave require prior approval by HQMC. Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune News and Updates. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response. Revised June 4, 2018 . I have heard they make all the Oki guys go through a lot of the seps classes again, and that it can take like 2 weeks. Your Planned Departure Date from Camp Lejeune will be determined by: On this web site, you will find information to assist in all administrative areas. - Marriage Certificate. - Inform the Separation Section of any changes that may occur after your separations audit. - Create your Separation Orders 4. CAMP LEJEUNE NC. - Single and non-accompanied Marines will reside in the barracks while at Camp Lejeune. - Battalion Check-out sheet. _____ 13. - Spouse Birth Certificate. Mission: To provide courteous, timely, and responsive administrative service to Marines and family members. Customer Service Branch OIC | 451-6246. 9-1-1 : 451-3004 . Legal. - Acknowledgement of Rights ..... 449-4248/424 ..... 449-629 ..... …449-490 ..... 449-643 ..... 449-544 The DTS Tier II Helpdesk is dedicated to assisting units facilitate their local DTS travel program. Permanent Change of Station: 910-450-7307, Permanent Change of Assignment: 910-450-9553. 3005 . - Child Born out of Wedlock Form (DD 137-4). Transfer to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve (FMCR) and Retirements, Casualty Assistance Command Representative (CACR) (CAC Enabled), Casualty Assistance Calls Officer (CACO) (CAC Enabled), Command, Control, Communications, and Computers, Marine Corps Directorate of Analytics & Performance Optimization, Human Resources and Organizational Management, Appendix C: New Female Blue Dress Uniform Graphics, Navy Marine Corps Appellate Leave Activity, Office of U.S. Marine Corps Communication, USMC Garrison Regional Food Service Contracts. Tuesday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Failure to complete TRS or other requirements at your overseas command could result in a delay to your departure from Camp Lejeune as well. As the IPAC Director, MCB Camp Lejeune, I understand the importance of meeting your administrative needs. … Wednesday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Camp Lejeune, NC 28542. Camp Lejeune DMO Hours. - IPAC Separations Section requires 10 days from joining to complete the separations process. Changing Your State of Legal Residence The uniform for check in at IPAC is the uniform of the day. Personnel are required to have the following documents to complete travel claim. 9-1-1 : lI MEF…………………………………………………………451-8138 . Legal Assistance. Additionally, the TAD section is dedicated to MCTFS reporting of all known travel approved in DTS. IPAC POINTS OF CONTACT. Camp Lejeune’s temporary lodging facility, Inn of the Corps, is located four miles from the main gate on Holcomb Boulevard. It will provide a forward deployed personnel administrative capability through reach-back; minimizing the combat footprint while maximizing system applications. NC Divorce and Separation. Units. - The basic orders with appropriation data Promotion, Training & Awards. IPAC Duty | 451-6220. Camp Lejeune and Onslow County have come a long way since September 1941 when the 1st Marine Division set up camp in the middle of a sandy pine forest along the Atlantic Seaboard. W95 Separations: AS211, 1st Deck) then be required to check in with the IPAC Inbound Branch no later than 0800 the following business day. This includes conducting administrative audits, handling pay and entitlement matters, and updating dependency status. Additional units stationed at Camp Lejeune include the School of Infantry, the Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools and Marine Special Operations Regiment. - Upon reporting to the Retirements Section, you will complete a join audit and complete a separations audit that will allow the Separations Section to start the process. Family Readiness Officer: Office: (910) 450-8158 After completing the Separations Audit the Separations Section will: II MIG CDO: (910) 459-8642. - ADSEP Notification Beginning 1 October 2019, Marines will be introduced to a more robust, life-cycle process that provides a proactive planning experience emphasizing post-transition goals at least a year in advance of EAS or retirement. Camp Lejeune & New River 24/7 910.750.5852 Documents required for adding children of a marriage: - RELM (if applicable) DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is intended to be useful, accurate, and up to date. Public Notice: Out of concern for the safety of installation personnel and families during an increase in COVID-19 cases, the IPAC will no longer have a customer waiting area inside of the building. - TRS Form w/Capstone (DD Form 2648) - In order to stop the discount meal rate deduction, Marines must be authorized to mess separately by their unit commander on a NAVMC 10522. The Orders Section processes PCA, and PCS orders directing Marines to transfer from Camp Pendleton or from unit to unit aboard the base. Reserve Marines ordered directly to an active duty unit/RUC aboard Camp Lejeune for ADOS/PCS will report to the IPAC Inbound branch, building 60 for processing. 2D MARDIV………………………………………………….451-8319 : 2D MLG……………………………………………………....451-0850 Services. - RE Code Page 11 (if applicable). - Create your DD Form 214, The following documents must be turned in to the Separations Section prior to departure: - Port Call/DMO endorsement or Circuitous Travel Authorization (overseas only) Monday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mission: To provide administrative support to commanders, Marines, and family members assigned to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and II MEF commands that are separating, retiring or executing a PCS/PCA in order to ensure Marines are administratively prepared for their transition. Entitlement matters, and changed on the distance you are authorized to travel Lejeune Deployment Processing Command DPC... 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